A green light to the Internet.
Sometimes, the path can be winding and the goal unclear. Thats why efirst specialises in
the integration of Internet projects to fit the marketing conceptions of its customers. To
make sure that this transition makes sense, our specialists will analyse communication
possibilities as well as different kinds of enterprise, for example business via e-commerce,
from the ground up, to determine whats appropriate for your purposes. Because thats the
only way that a free, simple idea can gain direction and yield a green light for the
appropriate measures and their successful implementation.
The efirst Internet Consultancy OHG was founded in June 1999 in Dusseldorf, Germany.
Two years later, the company was transformed from a general partnership to efirst Ltd.
The owners are Chief Designer Sebastian Schmitz and Managing Director Karl Weyers.
They are there to help you at any time to optimise methods and consequently the cost of
an Internet presence.
» Philosophy